SuperFriends Wiki
Operation Jotunheim

Operation Jotunheim[1]

Operation Jotunheim is the second mission to be undertaken by the Suicide Squad, but the first official one.

Mission Operatives[]

Mission Objectives[]

  1. . Neutralize and/or eliminate the Quraci terrorist group codenamed the Jihad.
  2. . Destroy the Quraci government's capacity to produce paranormal individuals.

Mission Report[]

Infiltration of the Jihad was accomplished by Nightshade, in the guise of Jihad member Chimera, and Nemesis, disguised as Colonel Mushtaq the Jihad's liason to the Quraci government. Nightshade provided the Squad's transportation into the Jihad's fortress, Jotunheim, where Deadshot, Bronze Tiger, Captain Boomerang and Enchantress were assigned to seek out and eliminate specific individuals. Meanwhile, Flag attempted to intercept Rustam, the leader of the Jihad, and Mindboggler distracted the regular soldiers stationed there. Plastique was given the task of destroying the laboratories, but she attempted to betray the Squad and join forces with the Jihad. She was intercepted and neutralized by Nemesis. The various assignments were carried out, and the team escaped by stealing a Quraci jet.

Mission Analysis[]

Mindboggler was killed by enemy fire, and Plastique revealed herself to be a traitor. Casualties on the opposing side included Manticore I, Jaculi I and the Djinn. Ravan was crippled, but not killed. Bearing in mind that the Jihad was to later strike Manhattan, this mission cannot be judged a success. It did, however, prove an excellent test-run for the group as its' first official mission.


  • This mission was chronicled in the first two issues of Suicide Squad (May/June 1987).[2]


  1. As seen in The Belle Reve Sourcebook.
  2. For more information about these DC comic books, click here and here.